Full of utter remorse for lying to the woman he knew deep down inside he truly loved, Tipton finally places a frantic 3 a.m. call to a man he met just last week, Ernesto Angeles, owner of Agape Coffee and Pastry Shoppe. After losing a daughter to suicide twenty years ago, a senseless death brought about by nothing more than a broken heart, he and his wife, Gloria, eventually turned their pain and grief into action, and set out to do all they could to help prevent anymore of these senseless suicides from occurring in their city. Since that time, thousands of lives were forever changed, most of them mixed couples, prompting many to believe that God Himself had ordained this loving Filipino couple to become guardian angels for so many of His hurting and needy people. But in an establishment where love, forgiveness and redemption reign supreme, after what Ryan did to Maricel, was it possible for them to ever be added to the long list of satisfied customers, or were they already too far gone for reconciliation..
For more information about the author, the book and their mission, please visit Coffee In Manila where you may also order the book. You may also get your copy of Coffee In Manila on Amazon and also at Barnes and Noble in e book.
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