Mrkvicka stresses that by far many are choosing death, including spiritual death, in their lives, instead of life by choosing to be part of an adulterous affair. The author gives the reader a firm biblical foundation on the subject of adultery, arms the reader with the truth of God's Word, while exploring society's view on adultery and relationships.
Candidly stating the truth in love, the authors, write with compassion and mercy to others about this often controversial and delicate subject. The author is concerned that this 21st century plague has become such an epidemic, therefore, compelling them to write this book so that help and guidance can be offered to the many innocent that are being led to the slaughter in droves by the sin of adultery without their knowledge. The author notes that most people view adultery as wrong, in fact over 88 percent feel that adultery is a sin; the statistics state, however, that over 77 percent of marriages today have been involved in an adulterous affair.
It is the author's hope that many an eye would be opened and likewise that many will come to salvation through repentance and step into the light of the Lord, versus walking in darkness. This book offers no excuses, nor apologies, but gives the truth of the Word of God. This book is truly a blessing to the body of Christ and to all who read it.
As the author reiterates over and over, there is hope. There is a way out. There is truth and life to be found, but only in Jesus Christ. For there is one hope, and that one hope is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Come, read, know the truth and be set free.
For more information about the author, his ministry and the book visit Edward F. Mrkvicka where you will be blessed. You may also order No Innocent Affair at Amazon.
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1 comment:
This sounds like a much needed book. Adultery is indeed a plague in the church and among church leaders. We have cheapened grace to mean acceptance rather than grace to be free to obey God's word!
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