Summer Special: $5/paperback
Brother James invites all to join him in developing a more joyous and fulfilling relationship with Jesus. Having seen many Christians living in spiritual poverty, Brother James wrote this book for those who want more out of their spiritual journey.
Since its printing Dr. Joseph has taught spiritual truths from Experiencing Jesus' Joy in several small group settings with good results. From some realizing that they had not considered Satan's deceptions properly, to others who realized that they had not been walking with Christ as fully as they should, all enjoyed studying together in order to understand more fully the importance of our role in working with God to build His and our eternal Kingdom and eternal close-knit holy family.
With our eyes focused on Jesus and a heightened awareness of the spiritual battles surrounding us daily, we can more fully and joyfully carry out God's designated parts for each of us. As we challenge others to repent and commit to following Jesus, God will give each of us joy and inner peace that transcends everything of this world.
In order to make Experiencing Jesus' Joy more affordable for the summer for your personal devotions and small group studies, the price for paperbacks from our first printing, which includes some typos, has been reduced to $5 per copy plus shipping at:
To take advantage of this offer or find out more about Brother James, his ministry, and his books, visit the author's website In Jesus' Service. Experiencing Jesus' Joy, is also available through your local book stores and places on line such as Amazon in paperback, hard cover, and Kindle. You may also get paper and e-books at Barnes and Noble.
~ Sharing God's love through Christian Book Marketing Author Article Blasts.
To take advantage of this offer or find out more about Brother James, his ministry, and his books, visit the author's website In Jesus' Service. Experiencing Jesus' Joy, is also available through your local book stores and places on line such as Amazon in paperback, hard cover, and Kindle. You may also get paper and e-books at Barnes and Noble.
~ Sharing God's love through Christian Book Marketing Author Article Blasts.
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